Reserving a Facility with Recdesk
Please read the following carefully before completing the Reservation Application.
Go to the park’s RecDesk website:
Create a free RecDesk account. (Additional household members can be added with their own accounts.)
Return to the home screen and click on the type of facility you are interested in. The list of reservable facilities will display.
To the right of the desired facility, click the Reserve button to view the available dates on the calendar. The current month is the default. To see dates in future months, click the right arrow next to the current month’s title.
Click the dark green Reserve button for your requested date. An information screen with the list of available time slots will pop up.
Be sure the correct date and member name are shown. Fill in any additional information requested (such as description of use and group size).
Click on the down arrow to the right of the desired time slot to see the fee. Click on the plus sign (+) to select that time slot.
At the bottom of the page, click “Add to Cart”.
Your Shopping Cart page will appear, showing that the reservation is pending approval by the park administration.
At the bottom of the page, click “Go To Checkout”. ***This step is important, or your reservation will NOT be saved.***
Click “I Accept Waiver”.
A screen will appear saying that no payment is due. Payment will be due once the reservation is approved. Click “Continue”.
Your pending reservation will show at the bottom of the next screen. You can now log out or continue exploring RecDesk for additional facility reservations or to register for programs.
Once your reservation is approved, you will receive an email with a link to the invoice, which can be paid online.
For assistance or if you wish to pay by another method, contact the office at 330-888-0511 or