Community Involvement
We offer various opportunities that can fit with your schedule and fulfill service hour requirements for your business, high school or college graduation.
Is your organization looking for a project to build team spirit and help the community? Look no further than Richfield Heritage Preserve. We’ll work with you to find a project that meets your group's needs, interests, and skill levels.
A big thank you to the following groups for their support this past year.
Akron Law Cares
Boy Scout Troop 175
Burns & McDonnell
CASE Weatherhead School of Management
CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP)
Cohen & Company
Ernst & Young
Girl Scout Troop 91116
Hudson High School
Hyland Software
Kent State Flashes Back
Leaf Home
National Interstate
North Royalton Key Club
Pioneer Memorial Presbyterian Church Vacation Bible School
Revere High School
Richfield Cub Pack 3387
Sequoia Financial
St. Albert the Great
Thompson Hine
University of Akron Phi Delta Theta Fraternity