Picnic Shelters
The park offers several open-air, covered picnic shelters that are available to reserve for a $50 rental fee. Each features picnic tables and grills.
Reservations can be made directly in the Park's Recdesk account.​

​Mable Smith Open-Air Shelter
Includes three (3) picnic tables, a fire pit, a concrete floor and is handicapped accessible. Located off the Main Road, south of The Lodge.

​Waterfront Open-Air Shelter
Includes four (4) picnic tables and a fire pit. Located west of The Lodge, just east of the upper lake.

​Wayside Open-Air Shelter
Includes three (3) picnic tables and two (2) grills. Located on the west side of the Main Road, south of The Lodge.

​Wonken Tonken Open-Air Shelter
Includes three (3) picnic tables and two (2) grills. Located on the west side of the Main Road, south of The Lodge.
If there is not an active reservation, the shelters are available for free on a first come first served basis.​​